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michael Kraner

Let’s Get to Know Each Other

Michael is an avid sports fan and believes many of the greatest lessons in life are learned “On the Court and Between the Lines.” Most of these courts were in Brooklyn, NY, his hometown and Bergen County, NJ where he resides with his wife and two children.

Why I’m In This Business

Michael has learned many life lessons through his involvement in sports. He started out as Pee Wee and Little League Players, turned into competitive High School Athletes and beyond. He always practiced basketball at home on his driveway and garage mounted hoop but always dreamt of having a court at home.  As he got older, he continued his love of sports through coaching and later fulfilled his career dream of bringing the sports stadium experience to communities and families around the country. As a parent, he constantly shares the many lessons learned from playing sports and believes in the positive life habits that come from sports.

mike’s Passion

Michael has a passion for Win-Win Entrepreneurship and providing his clients with a quality product and great value! He has been recognized as a Successful Technology Entrepreneur and past member of the Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing Companies as well as numerous similar industry lists. Michael started his first company as a college student at Cornell University and then took the company national upon graduation.

Everyone has a story, here is mike’s

Michael Kraner has worked in Finance and Technology, helping companies leverage technology to be more successful from both a services and financial perspective. My Backyard Sports is able to apply these benefits and efficiencies into a field that has not yet adopted these key benchmarks successfully to date. 

mike’s Favorites

Favorite Sports Quote – It’s a funny thing, the more I practice the luckier I get. – Arnold Palmer

Favorite Team – Likes all the NY Teams, all under dogs and teams that play the right way.

First Sports Experience -Yankee game with his Dad

Favorite Sports Experience – Youth basketball with his friends.

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